Studio Tech
Corey Dixon
Studio Tech
Corey Dixon has been providing technical services to the Vancouver recording industry for 20 years. He has had the privilege of working with many brilliant minds and artists during that time. Starting at Vancouver Studios in 1992 as a technical assistant, he would often log over 300 hrs a month learning his craft. Initially working for free, he still has a photo copy of his first paycheque he earned there (the princely sum of 200.00). During this time he also worked at the famous Little Mountain Studios where he met John Vrtacic, with whom he worked closely for the next 15 years. Through John he worked on incredible projects including: Metallica world headquarters recording studio in San Francisco, the development and installation of the Vrtacic monitors at the Armoury Studios, and the production and development of the Vrtacic Design 6 channel guitar splitter model JC1A ( the JC stood for “John-Corey”). Corey has also worked extensively in the broadcast industry working for clients such as CBC Vancouver, The Knowledge network, and for CTV installing the Olympic broadcast center for the 2010 Vancouver Winter olympic games. He is now focusing on growing his company, Big Valley Audio, and providing technical services to recording studios locally in the Vancouver area as well as around the world.