K-OS - Exit
The track "Entrance" starts off Exit with a comment on the diversity of the album from talk show host John Salley. He asks K-OS, "With all this different stuff on this one album, what is it?" Then, as the track number changes on the LCD display, K-OS begins his answer. "Fantastique" itself is more of an introduction piece than "Entrance" is. The second track introduces K-OS and characterizes him. In this song, he puts forth his mission statement. He raps that he was happy with his metaphorical girl named Wise, and that he was content with his own wisdom until the "phone rang," which he decided to ignore. Upon the next ringing, however, he picked up the phone and heard the man on the other end calling him to arms, because "hip-hop is dying." Though at this casino online point he has characterized himself as something of a rap savior, the chorus depicts him as a humble person. The major talking point of verse two is the first mention of his aversion to pimps and those who objectify other humans, rapping, "pimps just react to things, men make 'em happen." After "Fantastique" has come to a close with its spasmodic guitar loop, "EXIT (Call Me)" begins with the listener's first taste of k-os's singing skills. This ode to escapism, similar to "Hallelujah" from his next album, Joyful Rebellion, combines a beautiful melody, matching K-OS's vocals quite well, with a lyric full of hopelessness at the helplessness of the world around him. This song has the first reference to his apparent amusement at the metamorphosis of glass to sand, which will appear later in "Superstarr Pt. 2."